Galaxy Life: Pocket Adventures Wiki


Workers are a crucial part of any colony. They are the Starlings who build everything you need. When the player first starts the game they start with 1 Worker. In order to hire another one you will need a helmet, a tool case and a mallet.

  • You won't need any workers for recycling, building and upgrading walls or placing decorations.
  • The maximum amount of workers is 5.


  • Do not buy more than 3 workers on each planet, because you will quickly reach the maximum level for each building depending on your Star Base level. Your workers will then be useless until you upgrade your Star Base.
  • When your worker upgrade a building, it won't work until they are done on it, so do not ugrade too many buildings of the same type at the same time. For example, do not ugrade your warp gates at the same time, as you will not be able to attack until your workers are done.


per Colony
Required items
Helmet 1  Tool Case 1  Mallet 1
Helmet 2  Tool Case 2  Mallet 2
Helmet 3  Tool Case 3  Mallet 3
Helmet 6  Tool Case 6  Mallet 6


See Also[]