Galaxy Life: Pocket Adventures Wiki
Mine lv6


Essential for survival. Upgrade them and you'll get more Minerals.
  — In-game description 

The mine is a resource building that makes minerals. Minerals collected from the Mine can be used to:

  • Unlock units inside Training Camps, Factories, and Starports
  • Upgrade units in the Laboratory
  • Upgrade Turrets, Defense Bunkers and the Observatory
  • Buy new Colonies, and travel to other peoples planets when attacking
  • Mines generate Minerals over time. When their internal storage has reached the maximum capacity, they will stop generating minerals. The internal storage of Mines increases as they are upgraded.
  • If your mineral storage capacity is full, you will not be able to collect more Minerals. You can increase your capacity by building and upgrading Silos.

Minerals can be stored in the Star Base, with a capacity of 9,000 minerals, but mainly Silos are used to store minerals.
The Mines can be found under the Resources Tab in the Shop.


  • A Star Base can store Minerals 9,000, no more no less, regardless of level.
  • Mines will keep generating Minerals when destroyed, however they will be looted from the initial attack.
  • A level 10 mine will give up to 200,000 minerals when it is completely destroyed if the Mine was completely full before the attack.
  • Mines take less time and coins to upgrade to a next level compared to a Compact House.
  • Mines generate less experience and give out less war points than Compact Houses. Destroying a Mine cannot give more than 1 war point, even if the attacker's level is lower than the defenders as levels don't mind. A common tactic used by high level players attacking low level players is destroying one building and ending the battle. This gives you one war point no matter what.
  • High level Mines have lots of health. Because of this, players will often line Mines outside their base along with Compact Houses, as to keep units with any target occupied tearing them down.



To see detailed info on how to unlock each level, and the total amount of buildings per level visit: Building Level Unlocks at Star Base's Page.

Star Base requirement
Instant upgrade
Building Time
Production p/min
Experience Given
Stage 1 lvl 1 -- Coins 100 15s 1500 Minerals 12 Minerals 720 1h Experience 1
Stage 2 lvl 1 1 Coins 300 2m 3000 Minerals 22 Minerals 1980 1h 30m Experience 1
Stage 3 lvl 1 1 Coins 600 12m 4800 Minerals 40 Minerals 5400 2h 15m Experience 1
Stage 4 lvl 2 2 Coins 1000 36m 12000 Minerals 62 Minerals 13020 3h 30m Experience 1
Stage 5 lvl 2 ? Coins 3000 1h 24000 Minerals 92 Minerals 27600 5h Experience 1
Stage 6 lvl 3 12 Coins 6000 3h 48000 Minerals 124 Minerals 55800 7h 30m Experience 2
Stage 7 lvl 3 ? Coins 12000 7h 90000 Minerals 162 Minerals 111,780 11h 30m Experience 4
Stage 8 lvl 4 56 Coins 25000 14h 130,000 Minerals 206 Minerals 210,120 17h Experience 7
Stage 9 lvl 4 117 Coins 53000 1d 5h 210,000 Minerals 256 Minerals 395,520 1d 1h 45m Experience 15
Stage 10 lvl 5 173 Coins 111000 1d 19h 330,000 Minerals 312 Minerals 720,720 1d 14h 30m Experience 30

Building Models[]

See Also[]