Galaxy Life: Pocket Adventures Wiki


The level protection system comes into effect once a player decides to begin attacking other planets for resources. However, once you advance in your levels, there comes a point where you need to be attacking someone of your same level or in your level range.

As seen in the chart below, the higher your level, the higher the minimum level you can attack. Although there is a minimum level a player can attack, it's not the same for the reverse; a player of any level can advance against a colony higher then them.


WARNING: If a player attacks someone higher level than them according to the chart below, they are allowed revenge, and the chart does not apply.

EXAMPLE: A player is level 8 and proceeds to attack a level 14 planet. According to the chart, the level 14 can not attack the 8. But because the level 8 player attacked first, the level 14 is now allowed an attack against said player.

Protection Chart[]

The following table shows the level of the attacker in relation to the lowest level able to attack.


  • Note: Starting from level 433, the minimum level to attack is always 350. This doesn't change anymore.