Galaxy Life: Pocket Adventures Wiki
Factory 3

ā€œMechanical units are born here. Train the tank of your dreams!ā€
  — In-game description 


The Factory is used to make vehicles, these include the S-trike Beetle Tank, Raider, the Mole and Colossus. They are strong ground units which generally tend to form the core of most armies.


  • Units in the training order of the factory are not destroyed when the factory is destroyed, thus saving the money involved in the creating of new troops inside the factory when it's halted due to the Warp Gates being full is a way to prevent it from falling in the wrong hands.
  • When unlocked the, Raider usually replaces the Looter in battle, and the Colossus to the Beetle Tank.



To see detailed info of how to unlock each level, and the total amount of buildings per Base level visit: Building Level Unlocks on Star Base's Page.

Star Base requirement
Instant upgrade
Queue Slots
Stage 1 {{{Base Req Stage 1}}} {{{Instant Upgrade Stage 1}}} Coins 5,000 9m 4,000 10
Stage 2 {{{Base Req Stage 2}}} {{{Instant Upgrade Stage 2}}} Coins 16,000 36min 16,000 15
Stage 3 {{{Base Req Stage 3}}} {{{Instant Upgrade Stage 3}}} Coins 87'000 7h 32000 15 Experience 479

Building Models[]

Units trained & Activation Info[]


ā€¢ Click on the Tumbnails to see detailed info of each Unit.
ā€¢ To know how to unlock further levels, visit Troop Level Unlocks at Laboratory's Page.

Level 1 Unit
Unlock Time
Mineral Cost
Required Star Base Level
Beetle Tank
16h Minerals 119,000 Level 2
2d 4h Minerals 952,300 Level 4
The Mole
2d 10h Minerals 1,904,600 Level 4
2d 14h Minerals 11,427,800 Level 7
3d 3h Minerals 21,555,300 Level 10
Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon


See Also[]