Galaxy Life: Pocket Adventures Wiki

Craftable weapons.


You can find your Crafting collections in the My Stuff box located in the right menu. It's possible to craft battle support, workers and power-ups in the respective tabs. To obtain the necessary items tasks have to be executed, however the items can also be present in the Mystery Cubes. Instead of collecting the items, it's also possible to buy them with chips. Once crafted, the stuff is visible in the inventory tab.

Tip: When the Power-Ups Lightning Bullet and Heroic Potion are crafted and moved to the inventory using the Trade In button, pressing the Use button will activate all crafted Power-Ups at once; there's no way to stop the pause. So keep the crafted ones under the Power-Ups tab, and only move them to the inventory when needed.

Battle Support[]

Missile Rain[]

"Battle Support. Breaks out your enemy's defenses." - "A powerful area attack that fills the sky with missiles". It is used while attacking and deals small damage to buildings but great damage to units, best used to kill all of the units inside a Defense Bunker.

Icon damage
Damage: 5,000
Icon range
Blast Radius: 7
Items The Missile Rain Missile Rain Crafting  The Missile Rain
Name How To Get It? Description
Missile box
Missile Box Destroy: Banks We use missile boxes for many things. Need a new toolbox?
Missile pack
Missile Pack Destroy: SIlos Handle with caution. they have an explosive temper.
Engine Recycle obstacles Flying to target can be achieved with this usefull component.
Red button
Red Button Collect: Compact House We need this to deploy the attack. It is an essential item.

Tip: The Missile Rain can also be bought in the shop under Specials in a package of 10 for 30 chips.

Boulder Strike

"Battle Support. Breaks out your enemy's defenses." - "A huge rock that will shake the galaxy". A very powerful attack that can deal heavy damage to one target like defense bunkers or defensive towers like mortar.

Icon damage
Damage: 12,000
Icon range
Blast Radius: 1
Items The Boulder Strike Boulder Strike Crafting  The Boulder Strike
Name How To Get It? Description
Catapult Destroy: Defense Bunker. Throws objects as far as possible, but must be aimed accurately.
Rope Destroy: Warp Gates. Let's see how it works... Strech and release!
Boulder Recycle obstacles. Smash enemy buildings with this huge rock.
Timber trunks
Timber Trunks Collect: Compact House. Essential for building a strong structure. Excellent raw material!

Tip: The Boulder Strike can also be bought in the shop under Specials in a package of 10 for 30 chips.


Workers can be crafted in the Workers tab under the My Stuff section.

Items Worker Worker  Worker
Name How To Get It? Description
The Helmet
Helmet Collect: Compact House. Workers need it, 'cause let's face it: we Starlings tend to trip over.
The Tool Case
Tool case Recycle obstacles. You'd be amazed at the amount of tools that Workers store here!
The Mallet
Mallet Destroy: Star Base. All Worker tasks need a Mallet. Just watch out when they use it!

Tip: The Worker can also be bought in the shop under Specials for 840 chips.


The Power-Ups can be crafted in the Power-Ups tab under the My Stuff section.

Spy Mode

"Power Up. Spy enemies to get information" - The Starling spy, also known as spylings, enables you to get information from enemies. During a limited time a red circle shows all details of your enemy's buildings and defenses, except for the traps. The circle is static; you can move the ground to investigate a target.

Items Starling spy Starling spy  Starling spy
Name How To Get It? Description
Spy goggles
Goggles Destroy: Warp Gates. .
Spy belt
Belt Destroy: Factory. .
Spy backpack
Backpack Recycle obstacles. .
Spy USB stick
USB Stick Collect: Mines. .

Tip: The Spy Mode can also be bought in the shop under Specials in a package of 10 for 70 chips.

Lightning Bullet

"Power Up. Enhances your turret's damage per shot!" - When the Lightning Bullet is activated all turrets on all your planets have enhanced damage of 50 percent per shot during 24 hours. This way your planets are better defended.

Items Lightning Bullet Lightning Bullet  Lightning Bullet
Name How To Get It? Description
Processor Destroy: Cannon Blasts. .
Battery Destroy: Sniper Towers. .
Light Recycle obstacles. .
Rocket nose
Rocket nose Collect: Mines. .

Tip: The Lightning Bullet can also be bought in the shop under Specials in a package of 10 for 18 chips.

Heroic Potion

"Power Up. Enhances your army's damage per shot!" - When the Heroic Potion is activated all forces on all your planets have enhanced damage per shot, his way your attacks are more efficient.

Items Heroic Potion Heroic Potion  Heroic Potion
Name How To Get It? Description
Heroic Potion green
Heroic Potion Destroy: Compact Houses. .
Feather? Destroy: Mines. .
Kettle cover? Recycle obstacles. .
Kettle Collect: Mines. .

Tip: The Heroic Potion can also be bought in the shop under Specials in a package of 10 for 18 chips.

See Also[]