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Elderby is an old and wise starling. He is always the first friend you have. When you begin the game, you look up to Elderby, the great player who is level 100. Later in the game he's like a newbie in your eyes, and you understand that he has got his planet for free. He gives you a Mission Chain, Training Days!. His planet always remains the same and you can't attack him.
Sparragon is one of the three antagonists in the game. He is a space pirate that attacks you once in the whole game. If you destroy his Star Base, his planet will repair instantly and he will build a stronger defense, his level is higher and in most cases his star base level ups.
Firebit is the best of three antagonists in the game. He attacks you first with a group of Marines, and a few missions after, he says that he has rebuilt his planet and kidnaps your starlings. That kidnapping is the beginning of the main story. You must destroy Sparragon's Star Base for the Delta Key, then train lots of troops and destroy Firebit's Star Base to rescue the starlings. After that, you can attack him as many times as you want, but per attack, his planet will be stronger!
Reptice is another antagonist in the game. He lives on the other side of a black hole, on a frozen planet. You need to destroy his Star Base to construct the Freeze Turret. All his loot is minerals.
He is a starling wizard, that was turned into his current form because of an experiment that went wrong.
"We first need the blueprints to build theFreeze Turret! Rumor has it that Reptice, a hideous Starling wizard, knows the secret to slowing down time. Find him in the Planetary System, destroy his HQ and seize the blueprints for the turret!"
Major Wor[]
Major Wor (A.K.A General Wor) is a Starling war general. He gives you missions throughout the game. He is also the character representing all attacks you make on other planets. He will also deliver you your battle stats. He can also be seen roaming you planet.
Chubi is the head scientist starling in the lab. He delivers all the new game features, after carefully developing each one. He gives you many of your missions. He helps you to discover the laboratory for upgrading your units, and the observatory for colonizing new systems. He can be seen holding his blueprints throughout the game on your planet.
Oopsies is the Starling bug fixer. He reads all the bug reports, and gets together with the other worker Starlings to get them fixed. Though he may not be the most coordinated Starling, he sure does love his bugs!

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