“ | A bazooka is the most powerful weapon that has ever existed. And we own one! Don't worry, though... we know what we are doing! | ” |
— In-game description. |
Fires slowly but deals serious damage. Defensive backup from other units is recommened. More damage than the beetle tank but hasn't got as much health. Their biggest strength, however, is their range. Aside from the Colossus, which has the same range, you will find often that properly placed Bazookas will be able to completely obliterate key structures without even being fired upon when any other unit.
However, at high levels, a swarm of level 6 bazookas is an effective and cheap way to take down aerial units inside bunkers (except the Zeppelin).
- Bazooka units are considered a good unit for both attacking and defending. Their huge damage and good range makes them perfect for many early-game players
- A bunker filled with falcons can be emptied by luring the falcons with 28 Marines, then place 26 Bazookas under the Falcons
- It would get within range of the heavy defences and get munched. It's only once you start going against level 6 and up bases that the defensive structures start getting enough range to fully counter them. And they're also dirt-cheap; you don't need to upgrade them more than one level to get most of their possible damage output. By their range alone they outperform every other infantry unit, and to top it off a level 2 Bazooka firing on a structure with gold will make back their production costs in under 5 seconds.
Sniper Tower: Use 2 Beetle Tanks with some Flamethrowers and a couple of us.
Cannon Blast: Use Beetle Tanks as support fire and decoy for the Bazookas.
Laser Tower: Send them with flamethrowers in large groups.
Missile Launcher: Easy, they only attack air units.
Mortar: If you use us against it, we are dead. (Use air units instead!)
To see detailed info of how to unlock each level, visit Troop Level Unlocks
on Laboratory's Page.
See Also[]